Type of Commitment: Part-time chaplain position including Sunday worship.
Does this commitment pay? Yes. Financial details in the OTM Portfolio below.
Job Application: www.otmportfolio.org
Dio of Indianapolis: www.indydio.org
Please send your cover letter, resume, and OTM profile to:
Jennifer Phelps, Diocesan Transition Minister (email phelps@indydio.org) or call 317.361.9464 for more information.
Grace Unlimited, an inclusive campus ministry, seeks a passionate chaplain to guide our diverse community.
Supported by the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis and the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the ELCA, we blend traditions to welcome students of all backgrounds.
Bring your light to Grace Unlimited.

PROGRESSIVE. We are open to new insights. God encounters us, not only through the Scriptures and traditions of our past, but also through today’s experience and critical thinking.
TRADITIONAL. We stand in continuity with generations before us who have encountered God in the life, death and risen life of Jesus Christ. Their past experience is an essential part of who we are today. We are especially informed by the broadly catholic traditions of Anglicanism and Lutheranism.
INCLUSIVE. Whatever your ethnicity, gender, orientation, gender identity or class, whether you are devoutly religious or unapologetically secular, you are welcome to explore and express the unique and irreplaceable gift that you are to us. You are also eligible for election to our leadership team.
BIBLICAL. We listen to the Bible, not as a magical answer book, but as a living Word awakening us to God’s movement among is today. We also listen to what the best of current biblical scholarship can tell us about the Bible.
CONTEMPLATIVE. We open ourselves in prayer and contemplation to the all-enlivening, all-sustaining, all-embracing presence of God in our lives, trusting that opening ourselves in this way always makes a wholesome difference in the world around us.
JUSTICE-SEEKING. Just as the Word became flesh long ago, God’s common life with us calls for embodiment in just and peaceable relationships here and now. We are drawn to make a difference, and so we encourage involvement in movements for the common good.
We must learn to foster transparent communication in our small parish so we can support effective interaction and functioning, and guard against miscommunication.
We must continue to be mindful to set and honor boundaries, with particular emphasis on building trust and respect between our congregation and our priest.
We must continue to be intentional in healing from past abandonment and broken relationships and allow ourselves to continue to work through our differences through meaningful communication, to assure that we can develop a positive and trusting relationship with our new leader without interference from wounds of the past.
We have selected our interim for the 2024 - 2025 school year, The Rev. Matthew Masko!
Have begun listening sessions regarding the scope of a permanent position. During the academic year, more details will be released as Grace Unlimited continues its search for a permanent chaplain.